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10 Ways to Boost Organic Traffic in 2024

Aaron Marco Arias
Last edited on Jun 21, 2024

Your website’s traffic is what keeps it alive. In SEO, our biggest goal is accumulating the largest possible amount of what we call “organic traffic”. And ideally, that organic traffic consists of qualified leads ready to engage with your brand. 

In this post, we’ll dive into the best 10 ways to get more organic visitors in the upcoming year. Our goal is to raise above the sea of inconsequential and outdated advice and share some of the tools you need to actually succeed at SEO in 2023. 

Ready? Let’s go!

10 Ways to Boost Organic Traffic in 2023

Bygone are the days of brute force link building & keyword stuffing. The upcoming year poses new challenges that can only be overcome with genuinely valuable and user-centric content. Spoiler: Community-building also plays a key role. 

There are several strategies you can use to boost your organic traffic. 

These 10 tips are a great place to start:

  1. Conduct keyword research with user intent & market positioning in mind
  2. Optimize for time-to-value and relevance, not just keywords
  3. Create link-worthy content
  4. Don’t neglect your technical SEO
  5. Create (quality) content consistently
  6. Organize your content around user needs
  7. Repurpose your content
  8. Don’t give in to AI FOMO
  9. Bring scale & quality to your SEO with a programmatic collection
  10. Go beyond text

Let’s take a closer look.

Conduct keyword research with user intent & market positioning in mind

Let’s say your brand is deeply linked to the football world. So it makes sense for you to have informative content around specific teams and players. You start doing your research and you consider targeting specific questions with an informative search intent. For example, “How old is Messi?”. 

But when you Google that query, you find this:

Britannica.com has already won the answer box for “How old is Messi?”. And it makes sense! This is what their page looks like:

Logically, Britannica structures its content like an encyclopedia. That allows it to answer users’ questions in a way that’s precise and easy to read for search engine crawlers.

Additionally, Britannica is an old domain, with hundreds of thousands of backlinks and a Domain Rating of 91.

In fact, Ahrefs ranks it as the 570th website in the world. So, there’s almost no chance that your up-and-coming brand will dethrone the Encyclopedia Britannica. So, what can you do?

In these cases, we usually recommend:

  • Going for more specific queries
  • Targeting a different keyword, with a more precise search intent
  • Targeting an underserved user intent

For instance, as of this writing, if you search “how old was messi when he won each ballon d ors” on Google, the first result to come up will be a Quora question. And the results below it will be pretty irrelevant. Congratulations! You’ve got a real user question that’s being overlooked. 

Targeting keywords with this degree of specificity has 3 key benefits:

  1. In most cases, you won’t have to compete with extremely authoritative websites
  2. You’ll be answering a question that’s so specific that only truly interested users are searching for it
  3. You’re more likely to be connecting with your target audience  (versus casual searchers)

Don’t lose sight of user needs and narrow your positioning as much as possible.

Optimize for time-to-value & relevance, not just keywords

Even people who Google for fun aren’t just looking for whatever comes up. They’re usually looking for specific information. For example, how old Messi was when he won each Ballon D’Ors. 

Outdated marketing playbooks suggest that your content should be as long as possible. But this often results in material that’s too exhausting to read. You don’t want your users to have to fish amid lots of irrelevant information just to find the two or three sentences they’re looking for. 

For instance, if our only goal with this post was to make it as long as possible, we would have included:

  1. A definition of “what is organic traffic”, which would have been irrelevant to our target audience.
  2. A list of the most common SEO mistakes, which would have been redundant.
  3. A list of tips on how to choose the best SEO agency, which would be a whole different issue.

Give your users what they’re looking for. Create different pieces for different audience needs. And don’t forget to keep your introduction short and your sentences shorter. 

Do some reverse link building

Link-building is considered one of the most powerful SEO tactics. But Encyclopedia Britannica’s 500k links aren’t there because they sent a lot of emails. The classic approach to link-building (which involves guest blogging and cold outreach) is usually unscalable. So, the best way to build links consistently is to create link-worthy content. 

Usually, this type of content will be:

  • Original research
  • In-depth “ultimate guides” full of evergreen ideas

Keep an eye on your technical SEO

Another way to increase your traffic (and keep it high) is to make sure your site is fast & accessible. There are a couple of aspects that you must always keep an eye on to achieve optimal performance.

We recommend you: 

  • Do your best to comply with Google’s Web Core Vitals. These parameters have never been so important. Especially Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay & Cumulative Layout Shift. However, it’s not possible to score perfectly for all three. Expect some slight underperformance, but do some extra effort to keep these values at the high end of the spectrum. 
  • Avoid redirects as much as possible. They can create a very unreliable and confusing experience for visitors and Google bots alike.
  • Keep your Robots.txt and Sitemap up-to-date. Make the most of these files: They’ll tell Google bots what to crawl within your site and how to do it.
  • Do your best to have an optimal loading speed. You can check your speed for free with Google Page Insights. It’s estimated that approximately 60% of searches carried out on Google are made on smartphones and other mobile devices. Additionally, mobile performance is a key ranking factor, so don’t neglect it.

Create (quality) content consistently

One of the greatest challenges of creating long-form content has to do with consistency. The internet’s full of magic formulas: From “Publish 7,000 words of content every week” to “Don’t expect to see SEO results until you’ve posted 11 times”... 

The truth is that there are no magic numbers. Not when it comes to content length and not when it comes to frequency. 

Our advice? Create as much content as possible, as often as possible, without jeopardizing quality.

Here are some signs that you may be nearing content burnout:

  1. Your articles drag on for the sake of being long, even when the subject matter doesn’t require it
  2. You’re beginning to target keywords that don’t fit anywhere in your user journey
  3. You’re looking at your competitors for inspiration, instead of your users

Organize your content around user needs

Create content hubs and collections targeting specific user needs and goals.

For instance, when you visit our blog’s index, you’ll find a set of tabs that allow you to filter our content based on what you want to achieve.

That kind of structure has 3 benefits:

  1. Helping our users find the content they want easily
  2. Helping users understand what our content will help them achieve
  3. Making it easier for us to set goals and priorities during content ideation

The key to winning in the SERPs in 2023 is establishing your brand as a source of information and/or entertainment. Whatever you choose, make it valuable and make it easy to find. 

Repurpose your content

How can you maximize your content efforts without burning through your marketing budget? Easy, turn your most successful long-form content into other formats and spread it across social media.

Social signals are a Google ranking factor. That means that if your content has high engagement on social channels, it’s more likely to make it to the top of the SERPs.

Additionally, repurposing your content will:

  • Help you build backlinks
  • Bring social media traffic to your website
  • Boost your authority around specific topics

Don’t give in to AI FOMO

Throughout this post, we’ve mentioned that writing content is hard, usually expensive, and needs to be done frequently.

With that in mind, AI-generated content seems to be the solution to producing material at scale - especially, blog posts. But don’t forget one of Google's strongest (and most reasonable) expectations. Google wants to rank content that provides true value. 

Especially after Google’s Helpful Content Update, delegating content production to artificial neural networks is a bad idea.

AI-generated content is usually:

  • Repetitive, in particular when you generate lengthy outputs with hyper-specialized prompts
  • Derivative, since the AI is trained with existing material
  • Low-value, since AI can’t communicate intentionally or be sensitive to user needs

Don’t get us wrong, AI can be great to create rough drafts of your articles. But without some human input, it can only go so far.

Pss, want to learn how to use AI for your entire content lifecycle? Check out our AI SEO strategy framework.

Produce a Programmatic SEO Collection

Producing content at scale allows you to target a vast range of keywords. Especially long-tail phrases, which are less competitive, more specific, and more likely to connect with a high-intent audience.

Additionally, consider that according to Ahrefs, most keywords (94.74%) get 10 monthly searches or fewer, suggesting that the vast majority of search queries are very specific and varied​​. Furthermore, creating more content can improve your website's ability to attract backlinks, which are a top ranking factor for Google.

But, how can you 10x your content production, without increasing your budget, and while preserving content quality?

The answer's programmatic SEO.

Programmatic SEO can help you scale-up your SEO efforts without jeopardizing content quality. We usually recommend implementing pSEO for:

  • Data-driven content collections
  • BOFU long-tail keywords

Programmatic SEO is a method of using automation to create large numbers of web pages that are optimized for search engines. The goal is to target long-tail keywords at scale, which are specific and often less competitive search terms. In practice, this involves automating the generation of web content, URLs, meta tags, and other SEO-relevant elements based on data and templates.

For example, an e-commerce site might use programmatic SEO to create unique product listings for each combination of product type, size, and color. This technique is particularly useful for websites with extensive inventories or data sets, allowing them to efficiently cover a wide range of search queries. However, it's crucial to ensure the content is valuable and relevant to the user to avoid being penalized by search engines for low-quality or duplicate content.

Go Beyond Text

Blog posts are one of our favorite formats. However, the best blog posts include images & videos in order to:

  • Provide extra value - Audiovisual content can make it easier to grasp certain concepts.
  • Increase scannability - Audiovisual content can help signal to the user where the content they’re most interest in is, while creating much-needed stops along the text.
  • Increase idea retention - According to the 2018 Social Media Examiner Report, people are 65% more likely to retain key information when it’s paired with relevant pictures.
  • Become more findable - Google Images can be a great source of traffic. And, by creating original visual content, brands can tap into it. Plus, according to stats compiled by Search Engine Journal, blog posts that include videos attract 300% more inbound links than posts that don’t.
  • Humanize their message 


We hope these tips are useful and you can put them into practice soon. Got questions? Drop us a line!

At the end of the day, the best way to boost organic traffic for your website is to reach out to a group of SEO specialists who can provide you with accurate data and structure a strategy that aligns with your company’s goals. Is that what you’re looking for? Discover our content services today. 

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