The Infinite Machine

How we achieved a $640k launch day through brand storytelling


launch day revenue
user interactions with content

The Infinite Machine was an NFT project that aimed to collectively finance the production of a memoir film about Vitalik Buterin and the origins of Ethereum. We led the project’s branding, storytelling & community-building efforts. Powered by our network, we assembled an expert team ad-hoc, recruiting everyone from Web3 community builders to front-end developers. The project’s initial NFT drop sold out in under 24 hours.

In late 2021, we collaborated with The Infinite Machine, a multi-client NFT project that aimed to fund a movie production through an NFT collection with 10,499 unique pieces.

The Challenge

We set the project foundations in under 30 days, by:

  • Establishing a communication strategy that properly framed TIM as a highly culturally relevant project.
  • Building a brand identity that represented both the art project and the movie, during its earliest stages
  • Applying that identity to an intuitive, stand-alone website, which included a landing page and an NFT shop.
  • Garnering a whitelist of potential buyers and building a sense of community ownership through activations on Twitter, Telegram & Discord.

Our first month online was an adventure. Throughout November 2021 we managed to grow our community to 3.5k on Twitter & Discord.

Our partnership ended shorty after the OG Sale, which took place on December 20, 2021, 00:00 UTC. With a price of 0.08 ETH per NFT, the entire minted batch was sold in under 28 hours.

The OG Sale resulted in an initial fundraising of 640K USD.


  • A 205,8% growth rate in our social media channels, with 445k interactions with our content in November 2021.
  • 474 backlinks from 104 referring domains.
  • An immediate sell-out on the first OG Sale from the NFT Collection, raising 168 ETH (U$D 640k).
  • 85x campaign ROI

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