Make your PH launch a success

Product Hunt Launch Checklist

Prepare for a successful ProductHunt launch with our comprehensive checklist - covering every crucial step from pre-launch preparation to post-launch engagement. With 17 essential tasks, each explained with success criteria, you'll know exactly how to generate buzz, gather feedback, and attract early adopters. Plan, prioritize, and assign tasks effectively, ensuring you make the most of your ProductHunt launch.


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Set clear goals
Define your goals clearly and realistically - what do you want to achieve through your PH launch? Is it brand awareness? Is it onboarding X number of new users? Is it increasing your revenue by Y% through a special promotion? Is it all of the above? If so, what'd be the most achievable and impactful goal right now?
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Build an audience of at least 400 followers
Become active on the right social media channels, deliver consistent value, and build a following of at least 400 users. That way, you'll be more likely to get the votes you need.
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Map communities to engage during launch day
Join communities related to your product niche, such as forums, social media groups, or platforms like Reddit, Indie Hackers, or relevant Slack communities. Engage authentically by contributing valuable insights, answering questions, and connecting with potential users or enthusiasts.
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Tap into your network
Aside from joining communities and increasing your social media following, you can reach out to colleagues in your LinkedIn network who may be interested in supporting you on launch day. Extra points if your product is actually related to their job role. For instance, if you're launching an SEO tool, prioritize connecting with SEOs & content marketers in your network.
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Get a ProductHunt insider to hunt the product
Getting a Product Hunt insider, often referred to as a "hunter," to hunt your product can significantly impact its visibility and credibility on the platform. Check if there are any hunters who are consistently interested in products like yours.
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Update your website
You may want to create a special landing page for your PH leads. Consider tweaking your messaging to resonate with PH power users. And maybe, you could even launch a limited-time promotion.
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Prepare the content for the PH publication
Prepare the copy for your ProductHunt publication. Keep it brief, punchy, and on-brand.

On launch day

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Write the publication's first comment
Writing the first comment on your Product Hunt (PH) post as a maker is crucial for a successful launch. Introduce yourself and share the story behind your product to connect on a personal level. Guide the conversation by highlighting key features and aspects of your product. Engage with your audience by being active in the comments, encouraging them to leave their own comments or questions. Show transparency and openness to build trust. Include an introduction, product story, feature highlights, a call to action for feedback, and express gratitude. Be genuine, open, and conversational.
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Notify your early adopters
Notifying early adopters via email on launch day is crucial. Your early adopters are your most engaged users, and informing them about your Product Hunt (PH) launch keeps them involved. Their upvotes and comments can boost your visibility on PH. Early adopters can also provide valuable feedback. The email should announce the launch, include a direct link to the product page, request their support through upvotes and comments, express appreciation for their support, and provide contact information for questions or feedback. Make the email personal, engaging, and appreciative.
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Share the PH link on social media
This one’s pretty self-explanatory: Don’t forget to distribute your product’s publication on social media.
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Set up a discount banner (if relevant)
Are you running a special promotion for users arriving at your website via ProductHunt? Set up a non-invasive banner or pop-up announcing it.
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Engage with the community
Be prepared to actively engage with the Product Hunt community. Respond promptly to comments, questions, and feedback. Engaging with users can help build a positive image for your product and encourage more people to check it out.

After launch

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Thank supporters & ask for feedback
Thanking supporters and seeking feedback are vital steps in a product launch. Showing genuine appreciation to those who've shown interest cultivates a sense of community and encourages continued engagement. Simultaneously, asking for feedback demonstrates your commitment to improvement and the value you place on user insights. It's a way to build connections, gather valuable perspectives, and foster a collaborative environment.
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Send newsletter about the results
Start with a catchy subject line to grab attention. Highlight key achievements, milestones, and stats in a concise way, using bullet points or visuals. Boost engagement with infographics, charts, and images. Share success stories and customer feedback to add authenticity. Discuss lessons learned and feature quotes or interviews for extra depth. Include clear calls-to-action (CTAs) to encourage further engagement.
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Add the product to a PH collection
Adding your product to a Product Hunt (PH) collection can significantly boost its visibility and credibility. Collections, curated by influential users or industry experts, expose your product to their followers and networks, extending your reach and validating your product’s relevance and quality. Being featured signals endorsement by curators or influencers, making your product more discoverable. Users frequently browse collections for top or recommended products, so being listed there enhances your chances of being found by those seeking solutions in your domain.
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Write an aticle sharing what you learned
Writing an article to share insights and lessons learned after a product launch is immensely beneficial. It lets you share valuable strategies and experiences, helping others in the industry learn from your successes and challenges. This positions you as an authority in your field, showcasing your expertise and credibility. Additionally, it boosts brand exposure, attracting new followers, customers, or partners. The article can also enhance your content marketing strategy, attracting organic traffic and improving SEO. Overall, it’s an excellent way to contribute to your niche and engage your audience.
keep learning
We wrote a guide to ProductHunt launches, featuring first-hand insights from 3 teams that crushed their ProductHunt launch.
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